Florida law

An interesting issue came up today.  A potential client sent me the following email: “I had my job threatened on several occasions, I have had raises held back due to taking leave for having a baby. I was threatened to be fired if I got pregnant (which I was pregnant at the time and had to take […]

Because they take it upon themselves, often at real personal risk, to report serious misconduct in businesses or governmental agencies, whistleblowers play an important role in our society. Such individuals provide an essential check on violations of laws, regulations, rules or other types of malfeasance that could otherwise put the public interest in jeopardy. Fortunately, […]

FREE Case Evaluation

100% Confidential - No Obligation Case Review
What Employment Issue Are You Facing?
Are you currently working with an attorney?
How many employees work for your company (within 75 miles)?
Do you work for the U.S. government or a governmental agency?
Have You Signed a separation agreement waiving your rights (prohibiting you suing)?
Do you feel you were discriminated against?