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Well- the title is certainly catchy, isn’t it?  But, the mistake nearly every employee makes is nothing to joke about.  Discrimination in the workplace, no matter how severe or improper, may wind up getting dismissed in a court of law for one simple and basic reason – – the employee never brought the conduct to […]

If you own a small business, or an interest in a larger one, you are undoubtedly aware that there are a seemingly endless number of state and federal laws your business must abide by if it plans to stay in business. Among those laws are numerous anti-discrimination laws. Anti-discrimination laws cover acts of overt discrimination […]

Not all that long ago the concept of workplace “sexual harassment” did not exist. The laws that existed were few and virtually never enforced. Today, however, sexual harassment in the workplace is taken very seriously, though the laws and procedures for pursuing a claim can be confusing for a victim. If you feel you have […]

Like most employees, you probably value your job. In fact, you probably need your job in order to pay your bills every month. While that should make you a conscientious and hard-working employee, it should not make you vulnerable to sexual harassment by a supervisor. “What should I do though if my supervisor is sending […]

In the United States, various federal and state laws protect employees from discrimination in the workplace. Some forms of discrimination are obvious while others are more subtle. Harassment, for example, can rise to the level of discrimination if the conduct is extreme and/or ongoing. Furthermore, it does not have to be your employer who is […]

In the United States there are a variety of state and federal laws aimed at preventing discrimination in the workplace. As a result, the discriminatory employment practices that were once widespread in the U.S. have decreased significantly over the last several decades, though employment discrimination does still occur. It does not, however, occur without consequences. […]

No one should have to worry about harassment, of any kind, in the workplace. Unfortunately, however, many people do. Despite laws making sexual harassment in the workplace illegal, it continues to occur across the United States. As a victim, what should you do if you feel like you have been sexually harassed at work? For […]

Despite efforts over the past several decades at both the federal and the state level to eradicate discrimination in the workplace it does still occur at an alarming rate throughout the United States. Employment discrimination can be based on a number of characteristics such as age, sex, national origin, or race. Sometimes, discrimination can manifest […]

“I Was Fired for Not Sleeping with My Boss. Is This Legal?” For many people that may seem like an easy enough question to answer; however, not all that long ago in the United States sexual harassment in the workplace was fairly common and relatively well accepted as something employees (mainly women) had to put […]

Both federal and Florida state law make it unlawful to harass someone in your own workplace. Frequently though, the issue is not whether harassment is prohibited or not but how the term “harassment” is defined and identified in practice. If you believe that you have been the victim of workplace harassment, consult with an experienced […]