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No one should have to worry about harassment, of any kind, in the workplace. Unfortunately, however, many people do. Despite laws making sexual harassment in the workplace illegal, it continues to occur across the United States. As a victim, what should you do if you feel like you have been sexually harassed at work? For […]

In the United States, both federal and state laws protect covered workers from being paid an unfair wage and/or from working too many hours each week without being fairly compensated. Most employers abide by the wage and overtime laws; however, some employers try and get around the laws or blatantly ignore the law. If your […]

“I Was Fired for Not Sleeping with My Boss. Is This Legal?” For many people that may seem like an easy enough question to answer; however, not all that long ago in the United States sexual harassment in the workplace was fairly common and relatively well accepted as something employees (mainly women) had to put […]

Sexual harassment in the workplace takes two forms. Quid pro quo harassment is the type of harassment that most people are familiar with and it involves a boss or supervisor trying to trade sexual favors for job benefits.  The second type of harassment may be just as likely to occur, if not more so, but […]

In 2009, the Department of Labor amended its regulations and required employers to provide individual FMLA notices to employees regarding their eligibility and rights under the FMLA (Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities) and to what extent and how long each employee is entitled to FMLA  (Designation Notice).   Therefore, simply putting FMLA rights language in a handbook does […]

Employment Discrimination in Florida: Should I File a Complaint or a Lawsuit from Richard Celler Since the CRA was passed a number of other federal laws have also been passed that prohibit various types of employment discrimination. Learn more about Employment Discrimination in Florida in this presentation.  

Are You Protected Against Disability Discrimination in the Workplace? from Richard Celler Disability discrimination may occur in all aspects of employment, such as. Learn more about Disability Discrimination in this presentation.  

Often times in litigation, cases go to what is referred to as mediation. This is an opportunity for both sides to meet with a neutral third party, who attempts to show each side the strengths and weaknesses of their respective cases, in an effort to bring the parties to a settlement, and avoid the costs […]

As you likely already know, the United States government sets a federal minimum wage rate that applies to most workers in the U.S. In addition, individual states have the option to set a minimum wage rate that is higher than the federal rate. Florida is one of several states that has a minimum wage rate […]

As a worker in the United States you are protected by several important federal laws, including the Fair Labor Standard Act, or FLSA. The FLSA covers two important aspects of employment — minimum wage requirements and overtime wages. Unless you are an exempt employee you are entitled to overtime pay for all time worked beyond […]