Richard Celler

As an employee you assume, or at least hope, that your employer runs an honest and law abiding company. What happens though if you discover that your employer is violating the law? Worse yet, what if your employer is actually committing fraud against the government and/or potentially harming the public as a result of those […]

For women in the workplace one of the most difficult tasks is juggling career and motherhood. The difficulty actually begins as soon as a women finds out she is expecting a baby. Historically, employers would terminate a pregnant employee, refuse to hire a women who was pregnant, and/or replace a women who took time off […]

As the Church of Scientology becomes more and more known, either through media reports or actors joining, I am receiving numerous calls from employees in the workplace being forced to listen to, or read, Scientology related propaganda in the workplace.  In the United States, you are free to practice whatever religion you want; but, when […]

As an employee you likely operate under the assumption that your employer is honest and law abiding. Most of the time, this assumption turns out to be justified; however, what do you do if you find out your assumption was wrong? What do you do if you uncover evidence that your employer has been committing […]

Many employees in the United States are potentially eligible to take unpaid, but job protected, leave for certain family and medical reasons covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA. Unfortunately, because the eligibility and procedural requirements of the FMLA can be somewhat confusing, many workers who would be covered do not take […]

Facing a serious family emergency or medical crisis is difficult enough without also having to worry about losing your job because of the emergency or crisis. Fortunately, your job may be protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, if you find yourself facing this all too common dilemma. If you plan to […]

The issue of same-sex marriage has been at the forefront of the American conscious for several decades now. Recently, the Supreme Court of the United States, or SCOTUS, handed down a landmark ruling that essentially put the issue to rest one and for by declaring the right to marry to be a “fundamental right.” By […]

Fortunately for workers in the United States, a myriad of state and federal laws are aimed at protecting workers from employment discrimination and at ensuring that workers are treated fairly in the workplace. Most employees, for example, must be paid overtime for all time they work over 40 hours in a given workweek. There are […]

Worker in the United States are protected by certain state and federal laws aimed at ensuring a fair and discrimination free workplace. Most employers are required to comply with those laws. The Fair Labor Standard Act, or FLSA, for example, is where the federal minimum wage and overtime pay requirements are found. Are all employers […]

Although the vast majority of workers in the United States are paid an hourly wage, there are other ways of being paid as well. Some employees are salaried, for example, meaning they are paid a set amount each pay period without regard to the number of hours they work. Other workers are paid a base […]

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How many employees work for your company (within 75 miles)?
Do you work for the U.S. government or a governmental agency?
Have You Signed a separation agreement waiving your rights (prohibiting you suing)?
Do you feel you were discriminated against?