Month: November 2022

If you own a small business, or an interest in a larger one, you are undoubtedly aware that there are a seemingly endless number of state and federal laws your business must abide by if it plans to stay in business. Among those laws are numerous anti-discrimination laws. Anti-discrimination laws cover acts of overt discrimination […]

Although we have come a long way in the United States with regard to racism, prejudice, and discrimination, we still have a long way to go before those issues are completely eradicated. When it comes to discrimination in the workplace, numerous state and federal laws have been passed that make various forms of discrimination illegal […]

The presence of undocumented immigrants in the United States has been at the center of the political arena for some time now. Putting the debate about their presence here aside, the reality is that at any given time, millions of undocumented immigrants are working in the U.S. Sadly, employers take advantage of the fact that […]

Not all that long ago the concept of workplace “sexual harassment” did not exist. The laws that existed were few and virtually never enforced. Today, however, sexual harassment in the workplace is taken very seriously, though the laws and procedures for pursuing a claim can be confusing for a victim. If you feel you have […]

In the United States, discrimination in the workplace was once both accepted and legal. Those days, however, are long gone. Today, various state and federal laws protected individuals in all aspects of employment from a number of different types of discrimination. This includes national origin discrimination. If you suspect that you are the victim of […]

By now, most employees and employers are familiar with the basic principles of the Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA. The FMLA was enacted as a way to protect employees who are forced to take time off from their jobs to care for a family member facing a medical emergency or because of their […]

Despite numerous federal and state laws making it illegal to engage in various forms of discrimination in the workplace in the United States, employment discrimination continues to occur at an alarming rate. With the immigrants continuing to enter the workplace in the United States, one common question we are often asked by workers is “ […]

Workers in the United States are fortunate to be protected by numerous state and federal employment laws aimed at ensuring that employees are treated fairly in the workplace. The minimum hourly wage workers must be paid, for example, is determined by state and/or federal law. Those same laws also dictate when an employee is required […]

There was a time, not all that long ago, when people were expected to retire by the time they reached around age 60. To find someone who was well into their “Golden Years” was certainly the exception to the norm. Today, however, retiring at age 60 is the exception instead of the norm. The increased […]

Discrimination in the workplace in the United States was once not only common, but viewed as acceptable by many people. Workers were routinely discriminated against based on a variety of characteristics such as the worker’s sex, religion, national origin, and/or race. Fortunately, both the federal government and most states governments began passing anti-discrimination laws in […]

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Have You Signed a separation agreement waiving your rights (prohibiting you suing)?
Do you feel you were discriminated against?