Florida employment law attorney

As an employee you undoubtedly hope that your employer is honest, fair, and in compliance with all state and federal laws. Unfortunately, not all employers fit that description. Though most employers obey the law and provide a safe workplace for employees, there are employers that intentionally skirt the law or outright break the law. Understandably, […]

Not all that long ago the concept of workplace “sexual harassment” did not exist. The laws that existed were few and virtually never enforced. Today, however, sexual harassment in the workplace is taken very seriously, though the laws and procedures for pursuing a claim can be confusing for a victim. If you feel you have […]

In the United States, both federal and state laws make it illegal to discriminate in the workplace; however, for that discrimination to be legally actionable it must be a covered form of discrimination. Most people are familiar with some of the most common forms of prohibited discrimination such as discriminating on the basis of race […]

No one should have to worry about harassment, of any kind, in the workplace. Unfortunately, however, many people do. Despite laws making sexual harassment in the workplace illegal, it continues to occur across the United States. As a victim, what should you do if you feel like you have been sexually harassed at work? For […]

If you have worked hard all your life and achieved a certain amount of success in your career it can be a painful blow to both your self-esteem and your finances to suddenly find yourself the victim of age discrimination in the workplace. Instead of being respected and appreciated for your experience and wisdom you […]

Both federal and Florida state law make it unlawful to harass someone in your own workplace. Frequently though, the issue is not whether harassment is prohibited or not but how the term “harassment” is defined and identified in practice. If you believe that you have been the victim of workplace harassment, consult with an experienced […]

Few people have the luxury of working simply because they want to do so. Most people work to support themselves and/or their family. If you are one of these people, your job is important to you and your family’s financial stability. Family emergencies or family related health issues do come up, however, from time to […]

While things have certainly changed for women in the workplace over the last several decades, women still face employment related issues that men do not. Pregnancy, for example, is something that only women have to deal with in the workplace. Women still worry about breaking the news of a pregnancy, finding a job when pregnant, […]

In the United States, workers are protected from employment discrimination by a number of state and federal laws. If you believe you have been discriminated against in the workplace and are considering taking legal action against your employer you may be wondering “ What is the difference between the EEOC and a private attorney? ” […]

FREE Case Evaluation

100% Confidential - No Obligation Case Review
What Employment Issue Are You Facing?
Are you currently working with an attorney?
How many employees work for your company (within 75 miles)?
Do you work for the U.S. government or a governmental agency?
Have You Signed a separation agreement waiving your rights (prohibiting you suing)?
Do you feel you were discriminated against?